This seasonal magazine features insightful articles, company news, and practical information about water issues and other forces shaping our company.
River Run
Annual Reports

This annual publication provides comprehensive, user-friendly information on company trends and includes tables and graphs that help readers assess the growth of GBRA.
Basin Highlights Reports

This report is generated annually and includes an overview of water quality monitoring efforts in the Guadalupe River Basin, a description of the water quality conditions of the basin, a summary of the findings of any special studies or monitoring efforts, and includes maps of the sampling sites.
The Basin Summary Report is generated every five years in place of the Basin Highlights Report and is a comprehensive analysis of water quality data for the basin.
Basin Summary Reports

This report is generated every five years in place of the Basin Highlights Report and is a comprehensive analysis of water quality data for the basin.
Aqua Phil’s Conservation Basin
To learn how you can contribute to the overall efforts of water conservation in the Guadalupe River Basin and throughout the state, follow some of these tips offered by Aqua Phil.
Don’t Be Clueless About Water Quality
This brochure covers watersheds, nonpoint source pollution, stewardship, alternatives to HHW, and a listing of contact resources.

The Little Fish That Roared: The Endangered Species Act, State Groundwater Law, And Private Property Rights Collide Over The Texas Edwards Aquifer by Todd Votteler, PH.D
Download PDFRaiders Of The Lost Aquifer? Or, The Beginning Of The End To Fifty Years Of Conflict Over The Texas Edwards Aquifer by Todd Votteler, PH.D
Download PDFWater Boondoggles - The Biggest Little Water Plan In Texas by Todd Votteler, PH.D
Download PDFMultimedia
Log Jam Presentation – April 29, 2015
On Wednesday, April 29, GBRA officials held a meeting with members of the Lower Basin (Victoria, DeWitt, Calhoun and Refugio counties) community to discuss log jam operations. GBRA staff and local board members are working to reach a resolution to current log jam issues as well as potential options for long-term maintenance.
KSAT News Video of the 1998 Flood
This video is provided courtesy of KSAT News, San Antonio –
Guadalupe County Commissioners Court – April 16, 2019
GBRA General Manager Kevin Patteson and Charlie Hickman, Project Engineer Manager, spoke at the Guadalupe County Commissioners Court on April 16, 2019, and outlined the challenges of replacing the spillgates at six of GBRA Hydroelectric Dams.
The full Guadalupe County Commissioners Court video can be viewed at the following link.