GBRA monitors sites in the basin on a monthly or quarterly basis for field, and conventional parameter groups as well as bacteria and flow. UGRA monitors similar parameter groups at sites in Kerr County on either a quarterly or summer weekly frequency. In addition, biological, habitat assessments, and metals samples are collected semi-annually at selected sites. The annual monitoring schedule is based on identified need, priority, and the funding that is available and is coordinated each year with other monitoring entities such as the TCEQ, Texas Watch, U.S. Geological Survey, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and other entities that are collecting data in the basin, in order to eliminate duplication of effort and provide the best utilization of resources.
The monitoring activities are conducted under an approved Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) in order to provide the level of consistency and scientific validity needed for environmental monitoring and decision. The QAPP is critical for documenting how GBRA and UGRA plans, implements and assesses the water quality of the basin. It includes sections on the project organization, background, quality objectives, training requirements, record-keeping, methodologies and equipment maintenance. The QAPP and key tables from the QAPP are accessible from the associated information section.