Parks Closure Extended to April 30, 2020

Following the closure of all Texas state parks, GBRA parks, including Coleto Creek, Lake Wood, and Nolte Island, will remain closed to visitors until April 30, 2020, in an effort to minimize the impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19) on park staff and visitors, as well as the community at large. GBRA will continue to evaluate its…

Park Closed Extended March 30, 2020

GBRA parks, including Coleto Creek, Lake Wood, and Nolte Island, will remain closed to visitors until April 15. While this decision is unpopular, GBRA is focusing on ensuring employees, their families, visitors and guests are safe during this public health crisis. GBRA will continue to evaluate its park operations and weigh recommendations by health experts…

Parks Closure March 23, 2020

Beginning Monday, March 23, all GBRA parks will be closed for day use and camping until further notice to protect visitors and staff from the spread of corona virus. All current reservations through March 31, are cancelled automatically without penalty. To discuss rescheduling or cancelling your park reservations for April and beyond, please call the…

GBRA Parks Remain Closed

GBRA parks, including Coleto Creek, Lake Wood, and Nolte Island will remain closed at this time to allow GBRA to review the governor’s executive order to assess requirements for reopening parks to ensure the safety of guests and staff. Additionally, local county orders remain in place and are set to expire at the end of…

Lobbies Closure

Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority will close its lobbies in Seguin and Port Lavaca Thursday, March 19, 2020, as a precautionary measure to protect customers, visitors, and staff from the spread of coronavirus. The Seguin Laboratory will continue to accept water samples from customers. Retail customers may pay bills online or by phone using a credit card,…

Update Dear GBRA Retail

RE: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update Dear GBRA Retail Customers: As you are aware, there is a growing concern over the coronavirus (COVID-19) as it continues to evolve. Please know that the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA) remains committed to providing safe drinking water to you, our valued customer. TheEnvironmentalProtectionAgency(EPA)drinkingwaterregulationsrequiretreatmentofpublicwater systems to remove or kill pathogens, including viruses.…

GBRA and TPWD Partner to Improve Fishing at Coleto Creek Park

SEGUIN, Texas – The Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA) is coordinating an effort with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) and Texas B.A.S.S. Nation to restore fish habitat and improve fishing at the Coleto Creek Park Reservoir. Representatives from both agencies and BASS will construct artificial fish habitat and strategically place the structures in the reservoir…

Sixth Consecutive TCEQ Award for City Water Treatment Plant

The City of San Marcos Water Treatment Plant (SMWTP) earned the Texas Optimization Program (TOP) Award from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for the sixth year in a row, placing it among the top one percent of water treatment plants statewide. The Guadalupe Blanco River Authority (GBRA) has operated SMWTP since 1999 and…

Statement Regarding TRO

The Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority’s primary purpose is to provide water and wastewater services within its 10-county district. The temporary restraining order issued today is not only disappointing, but infringes on GBRA’s ability to keep the public safe by providing clean drinking water and reclamation services. Recognizing the importance the Guadalupe Valley Lakes to the surrounding…

GBRA Continuing Discussions on Hydro Lakes Safety

SEGUIN, Texas – The Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA) is continuing discussions on how to mitigate safety risks to recreationalists downstream of its four remaining hydroelectric lakes. One option to significantly lower lakes McQueeney, Placid, Meadow, and Gonzales by up to 12 feet was discussed at the GBRA board of directors meeting Wednesday, July 17, 2019,…